let's be friends!

As a certified Naturopath, my approach to wellness is fun, simple, and more of a gradual lifestyle change than a "quick-fix." You don't have to be perfect to see results; you can still have a life!

I'm vanessa



Before we dive in, here’s a quick recap form the last blog posts:

We’re bloated because we aren’t chewing. The stomach’s hydrochloric acid (HCL) levels are too low, the liver is too overburdened to produce high-quality bile, and this combo leads to foods remaining undigested. Undigested foods will rot and ferment, causing gases, which leads to bloating.

Today’s lesson:

When I think of food rotting and fermenting, I have a cartoon image of bad-ass leather-wearing bugs feeding off green slim.

Rotting and fermentation is pathogens/viruses/bacteria feeding and therefore breaking down. This is nature’s way of decomposing and getting rid of what is no longer needed.

A great example that I love to share with my clients is this: if you leave a piece of meat out, eventually it will rot and maggots will form. Where did the maggots come from? No one put them there?! Answer: they came from the cells of the meat, and the purpose was to decompose itself.

The same thing happens in our gut, but instead of maggots, we will call them pathogens, viruses or bacteria.

These pathogens are there because:

  1. We have undigested foods that need to be decomposed

2. We are feeding them foods they love, such as undigested foods (fats and protein), eggs, dairy, gluten.

They’re also feasting off: toxins, adrenaline & heavy metals that are found in high volume in the liver; that’s why they like to hang out there and cause more problems to the liver.

4 Foods to replace


When there is more rotting fat and protein in the intestinal tract, it creates a feeding frenzy for whatever viruses and bacteria are present at the time, and they will grow stronger and more difficult. When we take away the food from the pathogens the feeding stops and healing can begin. Whatever diet you’re on, even if its vegan, try to lower your protein and fat intake by 50% if you are want to heal. For example, eat nuts, beans or animal protein once a day or every two days instead, and replace them with bioavailable proteins found in fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens.


You may find that eggs are one of the only foods that don’t cause intestinal discomfort. The reason is, unlike raw vegetables and leafy greens which are brooming and touching sensitive nerves as they are cleaning, eggs do not clean, giving the illusion of being easy to digest. Vegetables may be uncomfortable in the being, but overtime will clean and heal the intestines, as opposed to eggs which will only feed bad bacteria and cause more bloating and intestinal damage.


I know what you’re thinking…WHY GOD! WHY??? I love cheese!!

I know its sucks, but the truth is that dairy is very mucus forming, damages the gut lining and feeds bad bacteria. Avoid milk, cheese, yogurt, and kefir, no matter if it came from a cow, goat, or any other kind of animal.


The form of gluten to which people are especially sensitive is in wheat, barley, rye and spelt. Try switching to gluten-free oats, amaranth, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, wild rice, brown rice and gluten-free pasta made from rice, quinoa or beans. Potatoes, sweet potatoes and squashes are also great alternatives

In no way do I want to overwhelm you or even make you feel guilty, BUT I do need to give you the right information so that you have the power to support your body and feel your best.


Chew your food


Strengthen your stomach and liver so foods don’t rot, and there will be no more ammonia gas causing bloating.


Remove foods that feed pathogens, which causes even more bloating, and burden to the liver.

Action steps

  • Strengthen your stomach with pure celery juice
  • Lower stress: adrenaline impairs HCL, weakens bile, feeds pathogens-lower caffeine and chocolate, they also cause adrenaline to rise
  • Work with your doctor to lower prescription drugs and antibiotics; this too feeds pathogens, weakens HCL and bile
  • Lower your toxic load ex: harsh cleaning products, perfumes, scented candles, alcohol, etc
  • Remove dairy, gluten, eggs, high fats and proteins until you feel better.
  • Eat the right foods to clean out your overburden liver so that it can produce better quality bile: next weeks topic
  • Feed your good bacteria, starve the bad bacteria: next weeks topic

Remember this is a process!

Take it day by day and gradually replace unproductive habits. I believe in you!

November 19, 2021

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