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As a certified Naturopath, my approach to wellness is fun, simple, and more of a gradual lifestyle change than a "quick-fix." You don't have to be perfect to see results; you can still have a life!

I'm vanessa


The ULTIMATE Healthy Grocery List

The ultimate grocery list

Confused and overwhelmed by all the choices?

Don’t want to waste your money?

I know how hard it can be to navigate the grocery store and even more confusing in a “health” food store with aisles and aisles of healthy promises, so here is my ultimate Naturopath-approved grocery list. Save it on Pinterest or take a screenshot so you can have it with you at all times.

You don’t need to buy everything on the list, but everything on the list is healthy approved by me 🙂

Scroll to the bottom for 10 tips.

TIP 1: 80% of your groceries should come from the fruit and vegetable list

TIP 2: Buy frozen when fresh isn’t available

TIP 3: Buy frozen for convenience and to ensure you always have backup healthy food.

TIP 4: You’ll notice in the list that I wrote frozen wild blueberries because I recommend frozen as opposed to fresh.

TIP 5: When it comes to baking, my favourite flours are nut flours and gluten-free oat flour. Other options are bean flours such as chickpea flour and gluten-free flours made from gluten-free grains found in the list.

TIP 6: Use flaxseeds instead of eggs when baking.

Mix 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds with 3 tablespoons of water. Let sit for 15 minutes to thicken.

TIP 7: Use Arrowroot flour or potato starch instead of corn starch; corn starch is GMO.

TIP 8: Read labels and avoid anything with the word natural flavours, natural vanilla flavour, natural apple flavour, natural cinnamon flavour, etc. Anytime the word natural flavour is written, there is an artificial MSG flavour that they have added. It is often found in “healthy” products, “healthy” kids’ snacks, and herbal teas.

TIP 9: Organic is always best, but if you can’t afford it or can’t find everything, here is a list of foods that you should buy organic.

Strawberries, Spinach, Kale, Nectarines, Apples, Grapes, Peaches, Cherries, Pears Tomatoes, Celery, Potatoes

TIP 10: According to the EWG, these are OK to buy conventional (non-organic)

Avocados, Pineapples, Sweet Peas, Onions, Papayas, Eggplants, Asparagus, Kiwi, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Cantaloupe, Broccoli, Mushrooms, Honeydew Melons

Let me know if this helps, and don’t forget to save the list and share it!

November 22, 2021

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