Just by placing a few drops of essential oils in an aromatherapy diffuser, you can disinfect the air in your home during cold and flu season. I recommend rosemary, oregano or thyme essential oils blended with eucalyptus!
Taking a cold shower might sound like the worst idea during the cold winter months, but this simple ritual can actually provide a ton of benefits.
How: Rinse in cold water for the last 30 seconds of your shower. This will support the body’s healing powers by activating the immune, lymphatic and circulatory systems.
If it’s too tough: Start with 10 seconds at the end of your shower and work your way up.
If you’re brave: Try alternating between 30 seconds of hot and cold a few times.
Did you know that our immune system is directly linked to our mental and emotional wellbeing? Clinical research has shown that being happy and leading a meaningful life may significantly reduce developing chest colds, chest infections and prevent overall inflammation.
Easier said than done? What definitely helps is focusing on everything that I am grateful for. This gradually lowers any negative emotions I may be experiencing at that moment. This results in reducing the toxic adrenaline in my body.
You may not be able to control your surroundings, but you can control your breathing. Deep breathing signals to the brain that you are calm, which lowers your adrenaline. Even if you don’t feel stressed, the way you’re breathing may be telling your body otherwise. Deep breathing also releases CO2. Carbon dioxide is a toxic gas that gets in the way of your body functioning optimally.
The most crucial sleep hours are between 10 pm and 2 pm. This is when the body rests and repairs the most. By getting as many zzz as possible consistently during these hours, you’ll enjoy a stable and healthy supply of neurohormones that are essential building blocks to immune health.
Prolonged exposure to phones, computers and any other blue-light device is known to weaken the immune system and cause a plethora of problems.
You can amplify the vitamin D you absorb by getting direct sunlight on your skin whenever possible. The sun enhances the absorption of every single nutrient-vitamin D included. Aim for 15 minutes in the sun, early or late in the day, when the sun rays are not as strong. Sunburn should always be avoided.
Lymph, a.k.a our sewer system. Our blood is pumped from our heart, but our muscles need to contract to circulate the lymph. The best way to stimulate the muscles is to exercise. The lymphatic system is a major part of our body’s immune system. When stimulated, it increases circulation, removes toxins and produces white blood cells. You can also restore the lymphatic system with lymphatic massages, dry skin brushing and sweating.
Note: If you are already under the weather, try very gentle mild exercise. It will stimulate the lymphatic system but won’t over-exert the body.
Infrared saunas produce a gentle, calming radiant heat that penetrates deep into cells and tissues. It allows toxins to be cleansed out of the circulatory and lymphatic system through sweat. Find a wellness center in your area and aim for 20-30 minutes at least once a week for optimal benefits!
When you don’t have a choice, a squirt from a sanitizing dispenser is fine. Just keep in mind, if you overuse it, you will get into trouble. One of the ingredients in these products is called triclosan. Studies have shown it to be a “hormone disruptor” and kill only “weak” bacteria and favour the tolerant lineages of bacteria resistant to antibiotics. It is contributing to the ever-mutating “superbugs.”
ALTERNATIVE: make your own hand sanitizer:
⅔ cup of rubbing alcohol
⅓ cup of aloe vera
5 drops of lavender essential oil
5 drops of lemon essential oil
A Neti pot is a container designed to rinse mucus from your nasal cavity. This is one of my favourite things to do when I’m congested. It is especially helpful right before bed because it allows me to breathe better while I sleep.
Here is my recipe for a natural, soothing saline nasal wash:
500 ml of hot water (boil it)
1 teaspoon of sea salt
1/2 teaspoon of baking soda (optional) will make it a little gentler on your nose
Let the mixture cool till lukewarm. Put the mixture into a clean Neti pot and wash away!
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