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As a certified Naturopath, my approach to wellness is fun, simple, and more of a gradual lifestyle change than a "quick-fix." You don't have to be perfect to see results; you can still have a life!

I'm vanessa


Adrenal Support Tea

Adrenal Support Tea

I love sipping on this soothing tea recipe after dinner. Not only does it help with the digestion process, but it’s filled with tons of medicinal benefits and is terrific for anyone dealing with adrenal issues.

Next time you’re looking for something sweet and comforting, be sure to try this recipe.

Anthony William, the author of Life-Changing Foods, states that licorice root is one of the most important adrenal restoratives we have.

Licorice root acts as a battery charger for the adrenals: it brings them out of a fatigued state and increases their capacity to function to your advantage.

If you are trying to get off caffeine, try licorice root tea instead, it can be an incredible energy booster.


2 Tablespoons dried licorice root tea

1 Teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 Teaspoon whole cloves

2 Teaspoons of orange zest*

*Sometimes, I put even more orange zest; it gives it a lovely flavour.


1. Mix all the ingredients together in a small bowl.

2. Boil water.

3. Use 1 teaspoon of the blend in 1 cup of hot water.

4. Steep for 5 minutes.

If a stronger, more medicinal tea is desired, use 2 teaspoons or up to 1 tablespoon of the tea blend per serving.

Store leftover tea blend in an airtight glass jar.

Recipe adapted from Medical Medium Life-Changing Foods Book

Want more personalized herbal remedies?

December 6, 2021

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