You eat well ✔️
You exercise regularly ✔️
You even restrict your calories ✔️
You may have even lost some weight, but you’ve hit a plateau now ✔️
So what gives?
Your liver has many functions, including filtering your blood. When the liver is overrun by:
It can’t filter the blood properly, leaving it unclean. This is also known as “dirty blood.”
The body is always working for you and dealing with situations as best it can. Therefore, instead of keeping the blood dirty, it will make fat and store the toxins in the fat it makes.
This is a “smart” solution since fat is outside and away from essential organs.
Note: This does not mean that if someone is thin, they are healthy! Some people’s bodies won’t make fat to store toxins. Instead, it will accumulate the toxins in the organs.
How do I get rid of the unwanted weight gain and clean my liver?
2. Stop using toxic substances such as perfumes, cosmetics and cleaning products. Try natural brands and D.Y.I natural solutions.
3. Remove eggs, dairy, gluten, pork…I know, I know this one is hard, but if you want to see results, you must try.
4. Lower your fat intake. Too many nuts, seeds, oils and animal products are a burden on your liver. Reduce your consumption by 50%
5. Increase the amount of raw fruits and vegetables you eat in a day. Aim to always have something fresh and raw with every meal and snack.
6. Keep exercising. Sweating and deep breathing help the body rid itself of toxins.
7. Lower your stress. Not only are adrenaline and cortisol surges hard on the liver, but they also cause your blood sugars to rise. High blood sugar levels and low stress-inducing activity (such as a life-threatening situation causing you to run with great intensity) inhibit the sugar from being burned.
This results in weight gain and can lead to cellular inflammation. Your body also retains water as part of an inflammatory process while diluting the excess stress hormones.
Reduce your intake of coffee and dark chocolate, which raises these hormones.
And just like that, the weight will melt off. If you are dealing with other issues such as thyroid, menopause, autoimmune disorders, digestive issues, etc., these tips are just as effective.
If you would like a more personalized approach tailored to your needs, book a call, and we can find a solution for you!
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