In the final part of the banish bloating series, we will look at what to eat and drink to support the liver and digestive system… so we can finally have a flat belly!
Read through what to eat and why, and if you’re inspired, I created a 7-day challenge to banish bloating.
16 ounces on an empty stomach first thing in the morning or another time during the day when you haven’t eaten for at least 2 hours.
WHY: Celery juice will rebuild the stomach’s HCL levels and help calm down an overburdened and over-saturated liver, both of which are needed for a flat belly:)
Right after your daily celery juice, make fruit the first food of your day. Eating fruit on its own is the best way to digest it easily. For breakfast, make yourself a smoothie of fruits and water or a large fruit platter.
Yellow fruits are helpful to eat when dealing with gut issues. Mango, papaya and banana are among the best.
WHY: The unhealthy foods we should avoid take very long to digest and remain in our colon and intestines for days; fruits trigger peristaltic action and move the previous pieces of food out. Rotting old foods feed harmful bacteria, fruits push rotting foods, mucus and acids out, + fruit increases beneficial gut bacteria.
If you feel like fruit bloats you, start with a small portion and gradually add more. Remember, though; the bad guy isn’t the fruit; it’s just cleaning the old food out.
Lemon, Lime, Aloe Water & Cucumber Juice
WHY: Living waters such as these cleanses your liver, flushes out viruses, harmful bacteria and waste matter. Lemon and lime also increase live bile production and hydrochloric acid levels. Aloe water (2-inch piece blended in 16 oz water) not only heals the stomach but is also anti-inflammatory.
Your liver also LOVES leafy greens like spinach:)
WHY: Raw organic fruits and vegetables are full of beneficial bacteria. One leaf of organic kale from your garden is way more potent than any probiotic pill that you can purchase. Raw fruits and vegetables are full of living enzymes needed for proper digestion.
WHY: When we are bloated, it is a sign that our liver and stomach are weak, and we need to give them a break. By removing too much fat and protein, we provide them with time to restore and repair. Remember, if you can’t digest it, you can’t absorb it, and rotting food feeds bad bacteria and causes bloating.
WHY: Nettle leaf, lemon balm, Chaga mushroom powder, cat’s claw, fennel, licorice root, mint and ginger are all great herbs to get the liver in shape, kill harmful bacteria, viruses and help with bloating.
There you go! What to eat for a flat belly.
Want to take it to the next level? Grab a friend and start my 7-Day flat belly challenge. If you’re not ready to take on a whole challenge, you can always start slowly by adding in these principles daily.
Want to take the challenge while being supported and monitored?
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