let's be friends!

As a certified Naturopath, my approach to wellness is fun, simple, and more of a gradual lifestyle change than a "quick-fix." You don't have to be perfect to see results; you can still have a life!

I'm vanessa


Peanut Butter and Seed-Packed Energy Bars


4 Medjool dates

1 1/2 tablespoons maple syrup

1/2 cup peanut butter

3 tablespoons chia seeds

3 tablespoons pumpkin seeds

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup oats


In a food processor, start by processing the dates and maple syrup until they form a smooth paste.

Add the peanut butter and sea salt to the date mixture and mix well.

Stir in the oats, pumpkin seeds, and chia seeds.

Once everything is well combined, transfer the mixture onto a sheet of parchment paper. Using your hands or a rolling pin, shape the mixture into a rectangle about 1/4 inch thick.

Place the rectangle in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour to allow it to firm up. This will make it easier to slice into bars later on.

After chilling, remove the rectangle from the refrigerator and, using a sharp knife, slice it into bars of your desired size.

Store the bars in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.

I hope you give this recipe a try and love it as much as I do.

Let me know in the comments below if you have any questions or if there are any other recipes you would like to see on the blog.)

July 3, 2023

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