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As a certified Naturopath, my approach to wellness is fun, simple, and more of a gradual lifestyle change than a "quick-fix." You don't have to be perfect to see results; you can still have a life!

I'm vanessa


The Exact Smoothie Recipe I Used To Heal My Painful Periods

The exact smoothie recipe i used to heal my painful periods

The day I officially became a woman is also the day I, unfortunately, started an unwanted relationship with Advil.

Every month I’d be gifted with exhaustion, inability to lye still due to cramping, intense pain causing hot flashes and freaked-out looks from my boyfriend.

No, I wasn’t harbouring an alien inside me, just the regular old first day of my period.

how to get rid of bloating

You might think this is normal and how you have to feel each month, but YOU DON’T!

As a Naturopath, I knew there was a cause for these symptoms; my body was definitely trying to tell me something, but what?

I already ate very well, juiced regularly, exercised, did yoga, had fulfilling relationships. What was missing?

I tried many natural remedies, but none were nearly as effective for pain relief as my beloved toxic Advil until I tried this.

At 37 years old, I finally became pain-free for over a year!

A while back, I began an extensive study on the effects of toxic heavy metals on the body and how they contribute to many illnesses. High loads of heavy metals can be found in various parts of the body, such as the brain, liver and reproductive organs in both males and females.

What are heavy metals?

Aluminum, lead, mercury, nickel, copper, cadmium, steel, arsenic, etc.

Where do they come from?

Toxic heavy metals are unfortunately everywhere and pretty much impossible to avoid (so don’t beat yourself up!!)

  • aluminum cans
  • aluminum foil
  • antiperspirant
  • metal cookware
  • conventionally raised meat and poultry
  • fish
  • copper pipes in your home
  • pesticides and herbicides found on our food
  • we are also born into this world with heavy metals already inside our livers passed down from generations ago

Honestly, when I tried this recipe, it wasn’t even for me. I decided to try it because my boyfriend has Alzheimer’s in his family and sometimes experiences brain fog, both of which are greatly affected by heavy metals.


At first, I thought it was a coincidence. Two months after drinking this smoothie many times a week, I was travelling and didn’t have any anti-inflammatory on me. My first thought was, oh shit, now I’m going to die…but surprisingly, I had only slight discomfort and no need for pain medication. I kept testing it out month after month, and now it’s years with no major pain.
I still drink this smoothie many times a week to counter the unavoidable daily consumption of heavy metals.


The exact smoothie recipe i used to heal my painful periods

Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie

By Anthony William


2 bananas

2 cups frozen wild blueberries

1 cup cilantro

1 cup orange juice (about 3 oranges squeezed)

1 tsp barley grass juice powder

1 tsp spirulina

1 small handful of Atlantic dulse

1 cup water to blend

Directions: Blend all ingredients until smooth. Enjoy!

Share this recipe, and if you are dealing with any other health issues or symptoms, you can now book a free call with me.


December 15, 2021

  1. […] Remove the heavy metals with this smoothie. […]

  2. […] need to cleanse the body –start with this smoothie to begin to remove heavy metals and accumulated […]

  3. Tamara says:

    Which ingredients are absolutely necessary to stop period pain? There are alot of ingredients here, and I only want to buy the important ones.

    • Vanessa says:

      Hi Tamara,

      The key ingredients that remove heavy metals are the wild blueberries, cilantro, barley grass juice powder and Spirulina.

      • Vanessa Riccio says:

        Oops and the Dulse is the other key ingredient. They all work synergistically together to pull heavy metals out of the body. If you prefer not to have the smoothie, you can also just have these ingredients within a 24 hour period

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